
Sieda Community Action, a private non-profit organization that promotes programs to strengthen families, promote child development and help familes with basic needs Project Highlights:Converted site from Drupal to WordPress Internal intranet for employees only Board Member only pages Donation area News/Blog Custom Design Custom layout...

BCG Research assists healthcare providers in achieving the technical and data requirements for corporate compliance. Project Highlights:Blog Custom Design SEO Content Writing and EditingWebsite

Marfa Boarding House is rental property business offering accommodations for many needs on onf of the highest hills in the downtown Marfa, Texas. Project Highlights:Properties Listings/Features Gallery Custom Design Logo Design Custom layout for each pageWebsite

Harold Pike Construction (HPC, LLC) is a general and commercial contractor in the Ames area. They have done some awesome work and needed a place to show it off to potential clients. Project HighlightsLarge Photo Banner Featured Portfolio on homepage Filterable Portfolio Project GalleriesWebsite

All Aboard for Kids is an organization that promotes broad community support for the children and families who are impacted by autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities. Project Highlights:Events Template DesignWebsite

Zao525 is a marketing company located in Ames, Iowa. We have developed a great partnership with them. So we wanted to give their site a wow factor to have clients want to work with us. Project HighlightsVideo on homepage banner Custom design Portfolio layout Custom...

Iowa Central Electric is a local electrican that specializes in agriculture and farm electrical work. They want to grow their business and knew a website was a good way to do that. Project HighlightsCustom Design For Sale SectionWebsite